If your up to a challenge or an easy project depending on your sewing skills, here's the steps I attempted.
Step one: Find fabric scarps in color schemes that coordinate. I went to our local fabric store and bought 1/2 yard scraps that they put aside for people.
Step two: Cut the fabrics down to approximately 12" wide strips by 24"long. Fold them over (to make double sided).
Step three: Layout your fabrics in order of you would like them to be arranged.
Step four: Sew two sides of the cut/folded fabric strips (inside out) so that one side is left open. Then reverse the fabric to right side up. Similar to making a pillow case.
Step five: *This was my biggest challenge. Sew all your fabric strips (right side up) in order of your desired layout. I sewed two together at a time and then sewed two sets of two together and so on until I had my seven pieces all in one long strip. My down fall might have been this process because getting them all to line up perfectly was not easy with my crooked sewing.
Step six: With your unfinished table runner take trim fabric to finish the edges. Again, I have to admit I attempted this with blue fabric trim and then realized I am not that good at sewing to keep everything in line. Hence, I found my new god-send, iron-on hem tape (Wrights). A genius friend to those of us that lack proper sewing skills.

Step seven: Once you finished trimming your good to send your gift off to your sister with an apology note for the un-uniform characteristics of her new table runner. Wha-la!
Happy Birthday Addie!
I hope you can find some use for this table runner. Dress up for the girls?
I know she'll love it and appreciate your effort. xoxo